It amazing how many different brands of knives I saw being used in 'Nam. Of course,a Randall was the choice of many but I saw my fair share of Buck Specials.
When folks return from the service and if they choose to do outdoor pursuits,usually they choose a knife made by the company that made the knife they used in the military.
This example is one of only 50, forged in carbon steel (Swedish Tool Steel, at the time)! They're hard to come by, to say the least. I got back a couple of days ago with no eventful skinning chores done as I was "buck-hunting" and only saw 2 "shooters" (for me anyway) and they were marginal. I will make my final trek the later part of next be continued... Stay Sharp, Capt. Chris
Captain Chris Stanaback
Knife Enthusiast
Registered: 09/14/05
Posts: 12936
Loc: Central Florida
...."&"...It's CARBON! Nice one Mike! Oh...& everyone: I'm Baaack! Saw many deer, to include 4 nice 3 1/2 year olds with nice racks...just too young and in need of another year or 2. Took a couple of more does (We have tooo many), "BUT"...temperatures 11 degrees one morning and 12 degrees another meant no butchering at the hunting camp as the water was turned of to the cleaning shed to prevent pipes the processor they went. Great time with good folks and I am finished for this year. The lovely Elizabeth is looking at a right shoulder replacement and rotator cuff repair, "both" on her right shoulder...& she's right-handed! I'll be on medical jury duty for the 2-3 months! ..."&"...after that, I'm looking at surgery on my "left" shoulder! FYI... Stay Sharp, Capt. Chris
Well,squirrel season closes the last day of February here so I will put away my old Savage Model 24 22lr/410 O/U and break out my Stevens Single shot 16 ga for the coyotes.