Hard to argue with the "3". The blade design was Bo's favorite, although I believe he "favored" the #7 for most of his needs. I have used a #3-5" for decades, along with my Stanaback Special and a #5-5" on hogs, turkey, whitetail, mulies and assorted "others"..."NEVER" a complaint!
Of all, my Model #3-5" would be my "go-to"...hands down! Mine (well...I have several, but my "primary") is O1 Swedish tool steel. It has thumb notches,,,"killa'" stag and a compass, along with name etching.
I have "also" had Greg (now Danny) Gutcher make me a waxed sheath, no hone pocket and a large "drain hole" to accommodate anything I may require...(which would and has included wading an Alabama swamp-or-creek to retrieve game!
I recently had the shop "re-tough-up" the blade to "like new" condition. I've worn out "2" sheaths and the one pictured below is #3, serving me quite well for past 4 years.
I just thought everyone who had one and loves it could post a pic or 2 and a story also...
What Say You?
Stay Sharp, Capt. Chris





Edited by Captain Chris Stanaback (09/15/22 12:55 PM)