It's been a couple of years since I've been to a range, even longer for an indoor range and even longer when I gave rimfire any serious action.
At first I spent some time doing a proper zero on the scope at 25yrds and later 50yrds.
Then I pushed the 10-dot target down to see what I could do with just elbows on the bench.
Target is just a 1" circle with a 1/2" sticker stuck roughly in the middle of it.
Gotta say, through a 4x (fixed) scope, that 1" target gets awfully small at 50yrds.
Brace yerself, I'm a little rusty.

CZ 455 with some upgrades (except trigger, wah), 16.5" barrel, factory synthetic stock.
Leupold 4x28 "rimfire" FX-1, fixed power.