Bob, thanks for sharing great Bose knives. The last time I talked to Tony and it's been 2-3 years, his waiting time was beyond my lifespan! I think he said 6 years or so and recommended buying from the market. How did you get these if you don't mind my asking? Reese and Tony, you may already know, are some of the best knife people you'll ever meet. Tony spent some time talking to my son Justin when he was 14 (without being asked) up in Bradford PA where we attended the annual Case event in 04. Some knife folks don't want to be bothered by kids but Tony encourages young people's knife interest which is the future of the knife business. Thanks again, Bill.
William L Jacobs III RKS #3569 NKCA NRA Life KNIFE WORLD Student Limbaugh Institute A.C.S.