"I have a Marlin 336C in .35 Rem and it's a heck of a good gun."
Stephen Mallory
RKS #5224

I agree 100 %!!! I don't why it is not more popular. It kicks like a 30/30 but kills way out of porpotion to the calibar. My freind now deceased, went hog hunting and he used my .35 It dropped the hog like it was struck by lighting, no steps just down and dead. It took 4 shots with my .44 mag..... heart/ 2 lung, and finally a head shot for me to drop mine.

The 35 rem shoots a .357 cal dia and is better than the .357 Maximum that many raved about. Factory loads are great but handloading is fantastic. I like that rifle so much, I gave it to my son. He won't give it back, I asked. :-)