I thought I would take this opportunity to share with all of you a little information about this year’s Christmas knife recipient. At this time all I can reveal is that he is a Sgt. Major in the U.S. Marine Corps. He is a highly qualified recipient.

This year’s knife will be a Buxton Fighter. The knife will be beautifully embedded by Silver Knife as was last year’s. If it works with everyone’s schedules, Wayne Buxton has graciously given us permission to award this knife in his shop in Garland, Texas. Our own Tom the Bomb will be doing this year’s presentation to our recipient.

Wayne is a great guy and he has helped us on numerous occasions in obtaining knives for servicemen. We are honored by his participation. Thank you so much, Wayne. And thank you to Tom for nominating this year’s recipient and for taking time out this Christmas for the presentation.

I will be posting again, and I’ve heard from several people who would like to join Santa’s Dirty Dozen. If that is still the case, please PM me and let me know. Thanks for taking the time to read this. And thanks again, Wayne, for being such a supporter of our troops.

Genesis 27:3
