When the model #12-9/14 grind was first offered in stainless steel it became the largest Randall blade available in stainless. The bowies are challenging knives to build and crafting them in stainless steel could only add to the time consuming task. Initially, the new stainless version of the model #12-9/14 grind could only be ordered with scrimshaw. This was an effort to mitigate the expected deluge of orders for the new Randall. Perhaps a year or so later, Gary allowed that the requirements for ordering the #12-9/14 grind in stainless could be expanded to include engraving and/or scrimshaw. A short time later the popular "stainless 14 on steroids" was made available without restrictions as a non-cataloged model.
This image below is one of the first of these great knives.

38247-cannon.JPG (768 downloads)

Rick Bowles RKS #012
NRA Endowment