Kevin, Thanks for the kind words. Here's a #14 still in progress for an Army Paratrooper:

Here's one that went to a Naval Aviator:

This was one for an Air Force Maintenance Officer:

This one most everyone will recognize as Tom CLinton's 2nd Series Vietnam Commemorative, mine also commemorates Chuck Mawhinney, U.S.M.C. (ret'd) who autographed the sheath:

and last, but hardly least, is a silver lugged, silver collared, silver butt capped and silver spacered elephant ivory #14 just waiting to be engraved and scrimshawed. What kind of looks like a check or crack at the top of the handle is actually a discloration from where the nerve ran through the tusk.

Regards, Doug
Doug a/k/a/ Silverknife
NRA Life Member