One of the reasons I asked is that I had an older 70's #11 along with an early Stanaback Special stolen from a UPS ship back to me from the Shop and the #11 was one just like yours. Are you sure the etching doesn't say Mike Allen on it?? I still have the JRB, I see your's has a "John...." something, etched on the blade. I guess you're safe!! Actually, I had sent the #11 back to the shop to get the original owner's name taken off, and a compass & WT put on, along with the Stanabak Special, WT put on it. They both were stolen from the UPS shipment. Gary replaced them both, but I had a #25 instead of the Stanaback shipped. Long story.
Mike Allen
True West Magazine Maniac
Randall Collector
Behring Made Collector
Ruana Collector
Glock Fan
NRA- Life Member since 1975