Cutup, If one of your kids was doing a geneology report on your family, wouldn't it help if they knew the doctors name that delivered you, what hospital you were born in (or maybe what kind of taxi on the way)? Wouldn't it also be important for them to know the day, week, month, and year that you took your first breath?

If you took the average 50-70 year old man off the street, and just by what he was wearing and the cut of his jib,would you be able to pin down his birthday within a few months? If you could, some might consider you a genius, or at least a wizard.

The more you get into the collecting and lore of RMK, you may want to even know the three generations that have been hands-on involved in their manufacture, and maybe even go see the place where they have been hand-made for the last 70 years?

Just some thoughts.

Dubie Baxter
Dubie Baxter
RKS #5099