Miles, with regards to what Ron said about Burnie's sheath, he was spot on with his assessment. As to the knife itself, the deep choil is indicative of a pre-1963 made RMK blade. As a response to your question about the Clarence Moore sheaths - they are typically seen without any makers mark, a stone pocket flap tip contoured around the snap itself, and are tightly stitched, closely matching the blade shape...

For Joe -

Sheldon, did you fall and hit your head? I knew about Stockman before you knew what a Randall Made Knife was.

Sure you did Joe, sure you did...


Sheldon wanted so badly to believe Stockman had made thousands of sheaths for Randall, I suppose so he could be the hero with a 'new' discovery in Randall history.


I don't believe your memory is that poor Sheldon that you are gonna say the events as I have outlined above are incorrect?



Please explain to us as I PREVIOUSLY asked (with no repsonse I might add} what makes this ebay sheath AND the one on page 64 of your book a Stockman sheath.

Go back and read my second post...


Sheldon, why don't YOU ask Mr. Gaddis?

Joe I've asked Bob, twice. He told me on each occasion that he didn't recall seeing that particular bit of information...

So, I figured that since Bob sometimes looks up information for Ron when asked, Ron might have better success...

Hope that helps 'splain things for you, again, Joe...
If all else fails, punt...