Agree 100%!!!! We had it the best! Ya didn't have much so you could make stuff/fix stuff/ do stuff/get in trouble for being outside too late. Teachers had the ability to reasonably discipline when needed. I got my first light paddling in the 1st grade.... a heavier one in the 12th!!!! Parents ran a tight ship too, but we always tested the sound barrier with them. I told our kids growing up every time they left the house.... "DBS"... Don't be Stupid!!!!! Your Mother or I have already done that or tried that. Even their Friends knew the phrase. Anyways... I'm a better person for it all, and the Music was the best!!!!!!

Edited by CrazyCajun (12/23/22 06:12 PM)
Steve Daugherty
RKCC CM #051
NRA Member
FlA Knife Makers Assoc.