Summer thunderstorms dumping on one side of the mountains and completely missing the other side is the norm here BUT the amounts aren’t normal. And the mid 90’s every day keeps the humidity crazy high, setting up more storms. My rain gauges say 4”+ from storms every other day for the past week, and then the heat scalds gardens & fields.
Buchanan Co. had flash flood with 40 people missing two days ago….don’t know the count now. If you’ve ever seen/been through one you learn why they’re called “flash” floods. I lived in a rental on the North Fork of the Roanoke in 1978 and sat under a tarp on the mountain behind it with my greyhound and black lab all night as 5’ of water got inside the house. Left everything and never went back.
AND, unless I’m mistaken, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Pappy!!!
Southwest VA