I agree with Mitchell, great show! People with backpacks showing knives to dealer tables and deals being made. I bought some great handle materials and a few special knives.

The people make the show. The display tables in the Lobby were fantastic. Saw all of the friends I hoped would be there; the RKCC meeting was a hit as always.

Captain's booth was always jammed. Mitchell and Duke WOW! Amazing amount of knives. Gary Clinton and Buck had great tables. Jim Sinclair, Sandra Brady, Art Green, James Behring, John Cheek and so many more.

Found by chance the matching Leschorn Smithsonian to the one I bought four years ago. Now it is a pair again; will post picks when the package arrives.

Friday dinner with Captain Chris, Chief and his son John, James Behring and Grant, the one and only Mudbone Jones, James Caruso, Amy from Warlander and Kurt Tripp the artifact guy and his family. Great steaks, knives and wine! Can't wait for next year.

Tom Flynn
Tom Flynn
NRA Endowment
SCI Life Member
DSC Life Member