This is a similar policy started by the largest gun show owner in Florida. In his case, he was wanting everything for FFL dealers (Himself, definitely included). It started off requiring "non" FFLs who were set up selling their personal firearms to display an FFL dealer's credentials on their table and all sales having to go through one the "approved" dealers.
That lasted for 4 shows and then private sales were forbidden and could not even "display their treasures..(Yes: I "was" a gun "show"). Now: It's a retailer's show and I have stopped attending "all" of this guy's shows.
So...nothing new here. Just the sign of the times. Capitalism at it's best. The show will still go on.
Reference to Mitchell's post, I too bought 2 nice knives from brown-baggers last year. I also, at first introduction, was opposed to our club tables in the lobby. Why? I cited security mostly.
What has happened? Instead of the wandering crowd having to (hopefully) pass by the club tables, which were "in the rear with the gear"..."EVERYBODY" sees them now! New memberships are more and stronger now and I believe it will continue this way.
Just thoughts from The 'Ol Captain.
Stay Sharp, Capt. Chris
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member