Saturday night while at an annual event in my home town I was parked on a side street sitting in my Jeep listening to the music. It was a beautiful night with great music and a tremendous atmosphere. As I sat in my Jeep I noticed a group of young black men begin to walk down the street towards where I was parked. I had no thoughts that they were the least bit interested in my but for some reason I picked my gun up and held it in my hand and watched as they walked past me. Then they began to run. At that point I noticed a larger group of young black me beginning to run after the first group. I assumed they were all friend and were just trying to catch up to them. As the second group got even with my Jeep and just a few feet away I heard popping sounds. At first as I have heard many times, I thought it was firecrackers. I looked to my right and I saw a black kid no further than maybe 20’ away from me shooting at the first group of kids. Others then began to shoot. I leaned over on my console but kept watching. I thought briefly about shooting the kid I saw shooting that was so close to me. Then he either ran out of ammo or his gun jammed. He and the rest of his bunch then took off running. At that moment cops started showing up in massive numbers. They thought I was involved and were asking if I had been hit. I told them no and pointed in the direction the bad guys ran. One kid was shot and was airlifted to the Med in Memphis. One of the shooters was caught. Strangely while all of this was happening I was as cool as a cucumber. But after the shooting stopped and the cops got there I began to shake and got mad as a hornet. I think I was in a bit of shock. I couldn’t believe this was happening in my hometown......not Chicago. The fact that these thugs couldn’t give a rat’s hairy heinie about the welfare of others boggles my mind. At any rate after things settled down I said a prayer and thanked God for protecting me from the flying bullets. Crazy times we live in.