I had one of the prototype sets with Certificates of Authenticity.
Perry Miller of Spaceport Cutlery and Captain Chris Stanaback, the south's largest authorized Randall dealer, came up with the idea.
They were Model 4-6" Stainless Steel Blades with Model 6 Grinds, Square Nickel Silver Single Hilts, Black/Aluminum Spacers, One with Straight Stag Handle and the other with Crown Stag Handle, and came with Gutcher custom made Gator Sheaths.
There were 5 Prototype sets made, so a total of 10 knives.
You may have to check with Capt. Chris to see how many numbered knives were made.
I think if you scroll through the Knife of the Week Model 4 thread, there should be more information.
Enjoy this world of collecting!
David Loomis
RKS# 724
RKCC# CM-061
Molon Labe