Here's the deal....Kemp should have appointed Doug Collins....a good old, LOCAL country boy, with ideas that pretty much were in line with most conservative ideas....BUT...he did not...he appointed the money(Kelly) and took the pay off....I actually voted for her, she did a good job...BUT...she wasn't from "around here" don't know, but anyway she didn't get enough votes to stop the runoff....MAYBE Doug, by being from "around here" just might have drawn more conservative voters to the polls....maybe Stacy could not have been able to make up the votes needed to knock him off....we will never know...
THEN we have the voting's been rumored he took the payoff on them as well....there has been evidence presented that there was a lot of internet "things" going on that night...things that might not have happened IF Kemp had chosen a different method of vote collection....I've not been able to get my head around why it is that we count on international companies to count our votes....makes no since to me....AND why does it take 3-4 weeks to count votes in this state, when Florida, with way more folks can turn in their results within 3-4 hours of poll closings....just makes no since...
Georgia is a shyte hook right now...

Edited by thevalueman (03/24/21 08:19 AM)
Rocky Whitaker