So far we aren't bothered by Moccasins here, but we do have copperheads, not around my house, but not far away, I hate copperheads, and came close to killing myself and my wife trying to kill a copper he was laying across the road on a narrow curving road in the NF., I tried to run over him and missed, so I backed up to try again and almost backed over a 300 foot steep and rocky drop off. We were in a rag top Jeep, so no protection. I think God saved us that day. They are the only snakes that I kill. Coach, those king snakes are some of the best looking snakes there are. They come in several different colors, with one looking like a Coral Snake except for the difference in the color stage, I have always heard red on yellow kill a fellow, that is found on Corals and not Kings. Corn snakes are also very beautiful. When I was in Military School about 20 miles from the SC. border I caught snakes almost everyday I could get away from school, a friend of mine would help me, we had two hansom snakes one a King and one a Corn, they came up missing one day and we couldn't figure out what happened. Several days later US Marshals came and arrested my friend. He was from the eastern shore and had tried to mail these two snakes home, postal workers heard rustling coming from the box and called agents. The boy never came back to school, and I never got my snakes back. I also caught snakes at night when the moon was bright, we had no flashlights, so I worked with the light of the moon, I would see snakes laying across the roads, mostly sand, and I didn't know what kind they were until I had them in hand, it was very exciting for a youngster of 13.
Sidney Redford
NRA Endowment Member
RKS #84 NRA Life. Shag # 11