Such nice redbud pics Coach. Reminds me of how far off it still is here on top of the blue ridge mountains. My mama always said the “apple trees bloom for your birthday”....28th of April, and dad said “ no matter how many warm days ya’ get ya’ don’t put tomatoes in the ground till the 10th of May.”
BUT, I always want to hurry it along about the green beer day, with these first few warm days before Easter arrive. When you get a few upper 70 days, warm breezes gently blow, shorts and thin, cotton dresses come out and blindingly white flesh that hasn’t seen the sun in months begins to be exposed.
All just before that last killing mid/late May freeze that wipes out the peach and apple crops and the replanting of this, that and the other.
Aaahhhh......springtime in Southwest VA.
Southwest VA