
Amen to all you said about getting ready!!! I am very THANKFUL for my Dad, Grandfathers, Uncles, etc. that taught me to pay attention to the weather forecasts and how to get ready for ALL things

We don’t have this kind of weather very often, but I think we made it through pretty good. I had 2 cords of wood stacked up from last year. We had a big Post Oak blow over in the Fall about 100 yards from the house. I had just about finished cutting the “round wood” off of it before the freeze. Thank goodness for that green round wood since it will burn all night long and make the fire easy to get going big in the morning.

The only thing that I really worried about was my water heater. It is tankless and I love it because you get an endless supply of HOT water. But it’s on the outside wall so it can vent. It is on the South side of the house but there is no way to insulate it. We just had to keep a steady dribble of hot water going. The best I can tell, that cost me 30-40 gallons of propane going by the % drop on the big tank.

I have a well so water is not a problem. We never lost power, but I have a generator for just in case. Thank goodness that I didn’t have to use it.

I’m also thankful that we did not get the ice that y’all did. We got about 18” of snow. A breeze came up yesterday and blew all the snow off the trees.

On a sad note, a couple slid off the Lake Fork Bridge Tuesday night and were killed. You would think that everyone would know to stay home, but I don’t know anything else about the circumstances so you just never know. Divers were dispatched and I’m told that the car was in 30 feet of water. Horrible for ALL involved. It gave me nightmares just thinking about it.

Hang in there. As Pappy said, Spring is on the way. I know that Im ready to see some Redbuds blooming!

"Filet that fish? Hell naw! I'll scale him, gut him, fry him up in grease, take him by the head and tail, and play him like a French Harp!" - Uncle Paul sometime in the 60s.