Heckuva’ coating of ice here....since Wednesday night and not melting as of right now. Thirty mph winds and gusts are incoming any moment so more branches and trees are going to come down. Thank God I built our home 30+ years ago with a big double door wood stove (burns 24” logs) in the basement AND a fireplace in first floor living/great room.
I continue to be amazed at the things that I was fortunate enough to learn/be taught growing up that so many others just don’t know. Like if you know that there’s a pretty good chance you’re going to lose electricity for a day or 10 and the temperature is below freezing
plus the blizzard is going to pile it up there are some things to do to help you, your family and your property. Always have a couple of propane tanks ready filled for the grill, several gallons of good water for drinking, coffee, etc., bathtub(s) filled to flush toilets and otherwise all pipes and the water heater drained so there will be NO burst pipes. You gotta’ flip the breaker off to the water heater too, before refilling & turning back on. Of course there’s many things you can add to this list BUT these essentials will be a great start at looking after home and family. I guess I’m also just thankful that my adult children living states away both told me of doing the same precautions in their own homes and then, a couple days later, hearing coworkers talk of broken pipes.




Edited by Duke (02/19/21 12:54 PM)
Edit Reason: Trying Resizing Photos
Southwest VA