Originally Posted By: Duke

And Coach, my dairy farming, hard working father used firewood cutting in the coldest weather as a chore to help one learn to push through and not complain of the cold when needing to work outside in cold weather. It can even help one identify which neighbors are most bothered by public nudity.

I like cuttn’ wood on cold days. It is a good way to stay warm! I read once that logging was one of the highest calorie burning occupations there was.

I can’t do it like I used to could, but I can still work up a good sweat and it will cure insomnia that’s for sure!

I live so far back in the woods that I don’t have to worry about any neighbors seeing me nude. However, several years ago, word got out that I cut the grass in my drawers and they put me on the prayer list up at the Baptist Church.

That was fine with me. I’ll take all the help I can get!!!
"Filet that fish? Hell naw! I'll scale him, gut him, fry him up in grease, take him by the head and tail, and play him like a French Harp!" - Uncle Paul sometime in the 60s.