As for right now? I'm out! If one of my fine international customers wished to buy or order a knife from me, it will be their responsibility to handle the shipping. I will ship it anywhere in the USofA wherever that is...THOSE FOLKS can handle it from there.
Also: I will not:
* Declare the knife as anything besides "what it is".
* Declare an insured value for anything other than "actual cost".
* Refund any monies for damaged goods, other than what the insured
refund amount "actually" is.
* Argue with you about any of the above!
It is not my fault if your country will not allow certain items to be imported. It's not my fault that these said countries screw you on importation taxes. Basically, it's not my fault for any of this crap...and I am not going to commit federal mail fraud to ease your wallet, etc.
OK: I hope everyone understands. I love selling RMKs..."BUT"...(You knew there'd be a "but" in here somewhere) properly, legally and in complete compliance with all laws...good ones and bad!
Stay sharp, Capt. Chris
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member