So it looks like if everybody willing to contribute will do so we can make it at least another year.

I'm going to pay hosting fees in advance to get a little better deal and stretch the dollar.

I will have to update both the server and software to bring it up to current. Right now it is terribly insecure and out of date. I will fix that, it just takes some time. In the near future the forums may be down over a weekend day or two for this updating. I will let everybody know beforehand.

To contribute please use paypal address of

If you would rather donate by check, etc email me at and I will send my address.

Please just contribute what the forum is worth to you and if everybody does that we should be fine. Any donation will cover your annual buy/sell fees for the year.

With eBay changing to direct bank deposit and asking for your date of birth and SSN it might be a good year to use the buy/sell forum here to avoid Big Brother and the Tax man smile

I don't really want to force a membership fee for everybody as people use the forum in various frequencies and put different values on it. I'm afraid if we add a pay wall for everybody it will stifle participation. I would prefer just to have an annual "cry for help" in January if we are short on fees and let people donate what is appropriate for them.

Thanks everybody for your support!

Edited by RTurbeville (01/18/21 01:18 PM)
Rick Turbeville
RKS #4506