Old beaver tail. When I first went west from Louisiana Tech forestry Department the summer of 1965, I worked for the Forest Service as a lookout tower observer. Before we were placed on the tower, we had to go to fire school, learn about fire behavior, and just learn what took to be in isolation for 9 weeks. Before we took the hike to our respective lookout towers, we did chores around the Ranger station. Two guys were detailed to take some concrete fench posts and dump them at prescribed locations. As the two fellow heaved the very heavy concrete fence post in the back of a pickup, one fellow lost his grip and it fell on his pee pee. Anytime you have an accident in the federal government, you must fill out an accident form, in triplicate. The secretaries thought that was hilarious and sent a copy to the Supervisor's office in Missoula, Montana. Whenever they talked about that fellow, his nickname was Beaver tail.

Mike Allen
True West Magazine Maniac
Randall Collector
Behring Made Collector
Ruana Collector
Glock Fan
NRA- Life Member since 1975