Originally Posted By: Gordon
Nice job.
Could you describe the process you used?

Well. Since you asked.

Before I start i drill a weap hole on the back side of the sheath for water drainage.

I start with a double boiler of wax, I'm using paraffin. Some of this wax was my great grand fathers and dates back to ww2 I'll just add more to the block as needed but its a sentimental thing.

After the wax is melted...or somewhat in this case start by using a hair dryer, Ive used a heat gun before but I feel more control with the lower tempatures as you can watch how the wax absorbes in to the leather.

Once the leather is hot (think black car seats in summer) give it a dip.

After it comes out I place it on a towel and let it soak in some and start to flash over. Then I use the hair dryer. You can see the wax soaking in to the leather as it gets hot again.

Keep doing this until you get full saturation. Make sure to dip the sheath and let the wax drain fully from the inside each time. It usually takes 3 or 4 dips and heat cycles until the leather won't hold any more wax. Once you hit that point just towl it down and rub the leather firmly to remove any extra

Place the blade inside the sheath and press firmly with your fingers to form the leather to the blade and then let it set and harden.