OK Crew,
It's time to thin the herd and cast your 1st votes. Too much to chose from and way too many option choices to even venture to guess exactly where we'll wind up. I suppose the 1st votes should be for blade design, length and options associated with that blade.
Let's start a quick discussion as to blade length. If I were building one for me, I know what I would chose...but this ain't about me. The blade should have enough length to serve useful for many tasks. It may not do all of those tasks perfectly..."BUT"...(There Ya; go)...it'll get 'em done!
Please consider the following:
A) 5 inch blade
B) 6 inch blade
C) 7 inch or longer blade
This is "not" an official roll call yet. Just let's see where we are going. Sawteeth or No Sawteeth will be examined shortly. Thanks for the overwhelming support for this build....(& the photos!)
Best, Capt. Chris
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member
WEBSITE: www.captstanaback.com