What a wonderful pic!!! And how blessed and fortunate you, and your son and your grandson are (assuming you took your son) to have spent that time together. Those memories don't happen unless you make that time to go and do.....anything really, together.
But right now I've got my own "pictures" in my head of that walk with my own son that I recently heard him telling someone about as "really, it was too big to carry by myself; had him by the neck over my back and his head was hitting the back of my ankle every step!"
He was 10....now 25.
But I'll bet you that your grandson is already learning, like any of us old turkey hunters know, the clearest picture you keep playing over and over in your brain right now is of that huge Gobbler running &/or flying away as you wonder how in the world did ya miss?
Man am I glad to have a computer working again (hope) after weeks of not!

Edited by Duke (05/09/20 05:14 AM)
Southwest VA