Sharpi here
Accumulated 15 years
Social media is the way to reach em
I guess I'll post some on Pinetress
The thing that drew me on was the Heros that took the knives to battle and the woods
First was the Bird and Trout The Gary Powers story
Got the Pistol too
I spent many hours at the Museum studying the stories of Men and Women who used them all over this world and in Space
The six year wait gives an opportunity to celebrate
I lived 5 years for my 60th Birthday
and that Smithsonian is sweet
But knives are somewhat available thru the Great Dealer network
and also collectors selling
And stories of sleeping in my truck to get a knife
A knife that is a one off ordered years ago by someone wanting something special who for whatever reason never got to see it
We need to see more stories of the knives used in modern day battles and adventure expeditions
We need to give them what they want in their world

I recently saw a Model T put together in 6 minutes
Acres of old Tractors Iron Idolized by old guys
and a beat up Mustang GT sell for 3.4 million $$
So What!