We're all so fortunate in this country to be blessed with an amazing, almost overwhelming amount of options/choices in almost everything we do. There's now an increasing number of very skilled sheath makers who are capable of making not only a wonderfully functional sheath but will also turn it into an incredible work of art; that can also be attached & carried almost anywhere we choose. I also can & do carry several important things in my daypack (small hatchet, skinner, etc.).
I've personally chosen (for over 40 years now) to have an accessible sheath knife on my person whenever I've gone out my front door, and especially so when planning to engage in hunting, fishing, hiking and any outdoor activity. Learned long ago that an easily & quickly accessible knife can save one's life.
So, this is one (or more) sheath opinion. We do currently, however, have only one James Behring, Jr. Build to complete as a group.
Let's get 'er done!
Southwest VA