Thanks for the advice Chris. My understanding is that this was intended from the get-go to be a WW II build so I believe the WW II leather handle is a decision already made. As far is the bluing is concerned, my guess is that this sentiment will prevail. But .. no disrespect intended .... if the majority doesn't want bluing then I believe the majority prevails. If that means you are no longer wanting in on the raffle then that's understandable. I know there have been times that I did not ultimately put my name in the hat when a build took a turn I didn't care for. Not often but a couple of times. But, hey, I'm just the cat-herder here. Whatever the cats want to do is fine by me.
Jim E.

“If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else.” – Yogi Berra

Me 2020