This was a good build. I think the participation was "fair" but not "great". If BMK decides to do their build I will wait until the build is complete before going forward with another one over here.
I know there are lots of "social media" choices these days. I understand everybody drinking the kool aid "BUT" (Been a while) nothing compares (with regards to RMKs) to knifetalkforums, considering the historical references and education, along with inter-action from "all of you".
Please consider this when making your media choices...and thanks for your participation in this build. There'll be another one real soon...and I have an idea for "By-God, Boy-Howdy" good one!
To the 2 winners, just email me your shipping instructions, full name and a contact phone #, text # &/or email address. I'll take care of the rest.
Stay sharp, Capt. Chris
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member