Ever since the Columbine Shooting in Colorado, the gun show "loophole" was closed by the Democrat Legislature.
All firearm transfers have to be handled through a FFL.
The difference from what I am gathering by the postings, is that the promoters in Colorardo provide FFL transfers at the front of the show. All private vendors display their firearms, and then they go up front and do the transfer. Cost is usually $15-$20 plus the Colorado Bureau of Investigation fee (they maintain the database for clearing Form 4473).
After the Aurora Theater Shooting, the Democratic Legislators banned magazines over 15 rounds, required all transfers (gifts, family, friends, loaning guns for shoots, etc.) to include background checks.
But, due to their ignorance, they exempted C&R firearms.
So, no Background Check required for any C&R qualifying firearms.
It looks like Florida's show went from a freedom of private transfers, to a dictate by the promoter.
If it is the largest retailer, then it must be Cabela's/Bass Pro. They have changed the nature of all firearm sales since they are the biggest in the U.S. All of the small dealers can't buy wholesale for what Cabela's/Bass Pro sell retail.
David Loomis
RKS# 724
RKCC# CM-061
Molon Labe