
Great topic!

Bought this Artifact FW Chopper from Capt. Chris for a RMK/BMK Faisal Set. Hard to find large piece for big knives never mind a matched set of big knives from one piece. James and Cap did a fantastic job on this set.

Tom Flynn

------Fossil WalrusArtifact-KT.jpg

------fossil walrus artifact handles (for a Faisal set)-1-A.JPG

------fossil walrus artifact handles (for a Faisal set)-1-B.JPG

------fossil walrus artifact handles (for a Faisal set)-1-C.JPG

------King Faisal Set-Randall with FWI Tips-3KT.jpg

------King Faisal Set-Randall with FWI Tips-4KT.jpg



Tom Flynn
NRA Endowment
SCI Life Member
DSC Life Member