Great picture Eric! So often in the fall when you see those younger boys together, the old boy with the 12+" beard will be 30-50 yards behind/to the side. They lived longer by letting the cannon fodder lead the way. If anything spooks them he tends to fly vs. run away.
You do gain a few yards with the 10 gauge but it is punishing and, as we all know, the well done choke, & matching the shell to your gun matters more than barrell length. Really ticked off my good hunting buddy (about 25 yrs. ago) when his brand new, much heavier 12 ga., 28"barrel "Ulti-Mag"shooting 3&1/2" shells was outshot by my 19" barell, shooting 3" shell.
Calling them in is such a thrill & teaching younger hunters so fun. Past 3 springs coyotes came to breakfast at daylight calls so now expect it.
The more you stalk, walk & talk to these incredible birds the biggest thrill is calling 'em in close, 10-15 yards for the shot. I'm so thankful it still gets my adrenaline up!
Southwest VA