This build keeps finding new life and different paths. Just in the last few posts we're finding wings for finger grips. I thought we has decided on stag but not on fg's? 4 want 'em...3 do not of those who have responded.
*Note: Although Pappy makes some valid points from his guide experience, to include "fishing" trips is moot to a last "hunt" build...sorta'. Wrist thongs, I most definitely agree with on a fishing knife, or a mountain-climbing knife. An option I did not do on my hunting knives, at least not these 2.
Compass: I installed a compass on "both" of my users. (I have a lot more than these 2 but these 2 are the ones we're talking about). I installed them for many reasons. Some of those reasons have nothing to do with how good or how bad the compass is. I'll give you all an example or two and, like Pappy, I've guided lots of folks in lots of places, for hunting, fishing, camping and photography all over the world. (Well: Half the world anyways)
Archery hunting: Not sometimes but "many" times, when you stick a whitetail or a hog with an arrow, the game takes off and leaves your immediate hunting area. Many times you are elevated in a tree stand or tripod, etc. You can visually make a mark with your eyesight as to where (exactly or almost exactly) the game ran off the field or out of sight. By referencing that exact point with your compass, you can get down, after waiting a half hour of course, and head in the exact direction, using that same compass from the ground and easily pick up a blood trail.
Pre-season: When locating a hunting stand or shooting house location, during the pre-season or any other time, it is always a good idea to "favor the wind" when choosing this spot. Being as how I hunt in Alabama and during the winter months, the winds tend to blow out of the North. I use my handy-dandy compass to determine that wind so my new location does not blow my sent into the hunt!
These are just 2 examples of compass usage where:
* I'm not lost
* Precise compass bearings are not required
Those handle-installed compasses work great..."&"...oh by the way, they're also pretty darned accurate! I don't care if we install them or not. I'm just telling you why "I" installed them.
Hope this helps and let's finalize these guys!
Stay sharp, Capt. Chris
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member