Thanks Chief for your advice! I am gonna do exactly what you said regarding the Musk Ox. I will certainly take you up on your offer to send you a pm if I have questions.

Someday in the (near) future I will go to Blade, must be great to be there. I am also a gun nut, so Shot Show is also on my bucket-list.

Real nice of you, that you are willing to look for fancy wood at Blade. What comes to my mind is a beautiful piece of thuya burl for a Smithsonian or a sportsman Bowie. But I don't know if there is a big difference with that of the shop? Randall seems to also have real nice thuya burl.

When you have ironwood there is a lot of difference between the wood as you know. I don't know if that is as much the case with thuya? I have to educate myself more on this wood type by looking at pictures on the internet laugh
If some other wood pops in my mind I will let you know Chief.

Edited by Sphinx3000 (05/09/18 08:31 PM)
I am an American born in the wrong country.