Alright....nobody's going to bite on Dennis's question so I guess I will. Been this way all my life; just like the bad bird dog that'll "Hold,.....Hold,......Hold" and then all a quiver can't stand it & breaks too early. So, I'll give my opinion and would then appreciate it if others would jump in & correct me. The #5-8" I posted a picture of a couple frames back has been mine less than a year but I've been fortunate enough to wear it, hike with it, camp with it, & more. I have been so impressed with how it feels in MY hand, using and carrying it. The stag & handle, blade size and balance all feel perfect to ME. I don't know how it'd feel without the butt cap.
The thing is I feel it's a personal thing. Kinda' like spacer color, lots of options & personal taste comes into play. Except in my case, being color blind, I really don't care. Learnd at an early age camouflage didn't work on me.....always saw the bird, buck or other hunter first.
So, personal preference (re: balance) or whatever else you guys think????

Edited by Duke (03/01/18 11:38 PM)
Southwest VA