Hit 2 blankety-blank big deer last week, hard, in under 90 seconds & less than 3/10 mile. A first for me. On a 1&1/2 lane, asphalt road, truck on my butt, about 2 miles from my home; killed 2nd one straight out (& No, I wasn't trying, damn it!). Driving my Mazda CX-9 & involved both front bumper/fenders, AND, did no damage.....not a dent or a crease....just hair & blood....on a maroon car. Unbelievable! Why I gotta' walk in the woods; & spring season here is early April & goes 6 weeks.
I can't imagine how turkeys can be a problem; & what a shame. VA stocking turkeys in 50's & 60's, & their return, is one of/or the most successful in our country. I'd never seen one until mid 60's, rare for a decade after & ran all over the Blue Ridge trying to hunt 'em then. Only time I got truly "turned around"....for 6 hours.....chasing Gobblers, hunting unknown mountain woods,& finally needed my compass. The 2 "old men" (50's) turkey hunters LtheirAO when I drug into the campfire light 2 hours after dark. Great memories for me & I thank GOD for those WWII vet uncles taking this young pup under their wings. Still have & use a wingbone call one made for me. BUT, sorry, rambling on.
Southwest VA