I have one or two of the original Spyderco Moran release with the numbered blades and leather sheaths. They are nice to handle, compact and efficient, wicked sharp, but the leather sheath offers just one way to go on a belt.

We know that Kydex has certain advantages over leather, and I have Kydex sheaths for a couple of RMKs that simply offer greater versatility and reduced bulk.

The problem of the edge taking a hit in the Kydex sheaths and the solution mentioned by Desert Snake could be worked out for any Kydex-sheathed knife. Using Desert Snake's method the sheath maker might simply buy some lead sheet and cut it to go onto the edge of the knife while forming the sheath under heat and pressure. Otherwise, simply build up sufficient layers of masking tape on the edge of the knife to get the same result as the sheath is formed around it. You would not need much clearance inside the sheath to avoid damaging the working edge. Simple and practical solution.

By the way--my experience with Kydex sheath makers is mixed. There are methods that they "might" know and use to give proper clearances for all the surfaces of the blade that would otherwise rub on the plastic unnecessarily (marring the knife over time, and making it more difficult to draw it and re-sheath it), while at the same time assuring that it is not so loose as to rattle in the sheath or be prone to slipping out on its own.

At present, I don't know of a Kydex sheath maker that I could recommend (not that anyone here has asked!), but if any readers know of such a craftsman who will also turn their projects around in a reasonable time--we all could benefit.

Finally--a personal preference. Some of the Kydex sheaths are made with godawful bulky multi-position plastic devices for fastening to belts, armored vehicles, or whatever. A skilled Kydex sheath maker can talk with his customer and make a variety of thin fittings to be attached to the sheath giving the user several options for how they plan to carry the knife.


Edited by LarryWW1246 (06/13/17 11:45 AM)
Larry W. Williams
RKCC #CM-041
ABKA #046
RKS #1246