Here’s the vote breakdown:
A. Copper ++++
B. Nickel Silver +++
C. Brass
D. Blued Steel (requires a blued blade finish pairing) ++++++++

1. Standard++
2. Tall +
3. S Guard ++
4. Half S ++++
5. Forward curved ++++++
6. Write-In

AA. Sub hilt +
BB. No Subhilt ++++++++++++++

So moving forward this is how we’re looking thus far.

-5 1/2” Hammermark Chute, blued
-forward curved steel guard, blued
-no sub-hilt

Next let’s talk spacers. I’ll try to include as many options as possible, but of course there will be a write-in opportunity. At this point, please start thinking forward to handle materials you want to pair this spacer theme up with. I was going to initiate the vote on both spacers and handle but I don’t want to start confuse Chief with too many options at once.

Spacer Primary:
1 Maroon
2 Black
3 Green
4 Blue
5 White
6 Yellow
7 Write-In

Metallic Spacer Accents (feel free to include multiple as we often do)
A Aluminum
B Brass
C Copper

Other Accent Spacers
AA Musk Ox
BB Fossil Walrus
CC Hippo
DD Giraffe
EE Pinecone (with Captain’s approval)
FF Cocobolo
GG Ironwood
HH Walnut
II Kudu
JJ Oosik
KK Write In
Grant Cunningham