Thanks for your responses. Although it is a bit more difficult when "discussions" take place amidst the roll call vote, I still think we have a clear winner. We can go on & on..."BUT"...(There's that word again)...By a score of 12-10 (or 13-10 is Desert Snake's photo image was, indeed, a vote) we are going to build a Camper's Companion!
As with many Randall models there are very fine lines between a knife, purposely-built for one task, and it's usage in other ways. No examples shows this more clearly than:
A) General Westmoreland's 6" Model #5, made up with a double hilt...............OR............
B) The Model #1-6", which James showed earlier, made up with a single hilt and thumb notches!!
So: Keeping all of this in mind, "NOW" is the time for discussions! What shall we build to suit camping needs? For those of you new to all of this "building stuff" here on our forum, it is...more or less...a process of elimination.
Let's compile a list of RMKs that "can" be used quite well for a camp knife and then narrow the field a bit.
OK: Crew,
You have the floor!
Best, Capt. Chris

Edited by Captain Chris Stanaback (02/24/17 10:20 AM)
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member