Alright I've narrowed this part down. Without a doubt it's going to be a Scagel style handle with mostly horsehide but I'd like to vote again on the accent / special spacer as we had a tie between a big walrus or big ironwood spacer.

We will vote on the butt end here in the next few days, but let's dial these spacers in first.

A. Fossil Walrus
B. Ironwood

As it is:

6" Mission
Ghost Skull Hammermarks
Copper S Guard
Horsehide & __________ spacers

Two of you have been very generous to offer your own materials for the butt on this build. Those will be part of the vote, but anyone else can offer to contribute their own materials as well as it makes this one somewhat more special to truly come from you!

Edited by Behring Made (09/29/16 10:18 AM)
Grant Cunningham