Warren, very nice knife and sheath!

I'm guessing that this is, probably by far, the sharpest knife in your collection. I read somewhere that obsidian can be much sharper than surgical steel, as well crafted obsidian blades have a straight and smooth cutting edge which can be as fine as 3 nanometers thick. Don't want to cut yourself shaving with that one!

Jim, I believe that you are correct that there have been obsidian surgical scalpels made and used (possible use only by veterinarians; may not be approved for use on humans at least in USA?).

As an added benefit, now you're ready to take on the White Walkers from Game of Thrones. For those non-watchers, an obsidian (called "dragonglass" on the show) blade looks to be the only weapon which can kill these deadly magical ice creatures.
Bob Carlin
RKCC #622