Some years ago the grid went down on the east coast and the east side of Detroit & the closest cities around it were without power for 3-4 days.

I was at work when the lights went out and was on my way on the freeway before the freeways jammed up. Every party store/supermarket was hit for Bottled water, canned goods, TP, and soft drinks. The Gas Stations had no electricity so they could not pump gas from the tanks in the ground. (If you wanted to drive 40 miles you could get gas in the outlying towns.) Most people stayed in place in their homes.

The "generator people" fired up their deals and helped keep the food from going bad with power cords to houses.

Fo me I had a above ground pool with 15,000 gallons of water that could be used for flushing toilets, 40 gallons of bottled water, and a pantry full of canned good I could cook on a barbeque grill. So the Randall knife could have been used for some food prep but I had other knives for that deal.

So where in this story does a Randall knife fit into the scheme of things in this case? Where would you use the knife in other cases?

Tom Vaught

The topic IS about preparations so I think my questions are on topic.

Edited by Tom Vaught (09/03/15 04:36 PM)
Tom Vaught
RKS# 5100