"Preppers", it seems like, (from what little I have read on the web) have several schools of thought: a) Some want to live for another day (with their gear) against the "Russians", the Mexicans, etc like in the "RED DAWN" movie. b) Some want to have enough gear, weapons, etc to "stay in place and fight it out with the bad guys ("Zombies"), Katrina Thugs, etc and retain their possessions, property, etc.

A few; The Bug-Out Bag" (Get out of Dodge quickly) Group, The "Get Back Home from Work if the freeways/businesses are shut down due to a disaster" Group, and the "I'm going Up North to get away from the crazy people" Group just want to avoid conflict until the disaster is over. They just want to go someplace SAFE.

When I worked in Florida at the Ford Evaluation Center (outside of Naples) I spent time traveling the roads to find potential "escape" routes if they had a massive fire (in the dry season) in the swamp area we were in. Not like you could just hike cross-country across the swamp along with your buddies: snakes, bears, bobcats, alligators, etc. Some of the places were real cul-de-sacs with only one way in or out to a given road with two or more "escape" routes. Kind of like traveling on the freeway in Detroit or LA at night time and having the freeway shutdown and the cops dumping you off the freeway in a really bad area of the city.

Most would not last out the week in a Red Dawn event.

Tom V.
Tom Vaught
RKS# 5100