A question came to mind regarding the Model 10-3, that I'm sure I'm not the only one with this issue of sorts.

Can this model be ordered with either, or both,... a "little" longer handle length, or fatter micarta slab sides? If not, can it be ordered without any finger guard cutout, which would help in my case?

Some specifics as to why I ask.....

I have a tough time getting a good grip on mine, as my example has just a 3-1/4 inch total micarta handle length. Is this pretty standard, or do they vary? (another 1/4" would have been great :-)

Also, the handle would fit my hand better if it were a just little thicker, but I can probably go that route myself. Extra "meat" to grab onto would certainly help, and would improve the fit to my sheath also. Working so close to the fine edge would improve my confidence in maintaining a good grip, especially near water. (it's intended use)

My 10-3 arrived with a neat Style B sheath with snap enclosure. The snap position was a bit loose originally, and I thought of sending it out to Sullivan's to fit a bit tighter strap.

However, I fit a small piece of leather between the back of the strap and the front part of the belt loop. (just tucked and and easily removed) This effectively shortens the strap length enough for a secure lock up of the knife. (this might be useful on other style B sheathed knifes as your strap stretches over time, and you can add thicker inserts as later needed :-)

There is obviously a huge difference in handle dimensions between this 3" version and the standard handles of the 5" and 7" versions.

As this is the only model 10-3 I've ever handled, maybe they do vary in handle length / overall thickness of the micarta a little? (especially over the years in the various grind incarnations???)

To benefit those thinking of ordering one,....can this model be ordered with "fatter" micarta slabs installed,? or maybe 1/4" added to the handle length?

I have average style hands, but I know I'd use this neat design much more if I could get a bit better grip on it.

For most women, this is probably a great fit as is.

Edited by Joe Tousignant (03/29/15 04:09 PM)