Originally Posted By: Buck Buchanan
The proposed ban on the Federal level is elephant ivory only.

NY signed into law on August 12th, a ban on all ivory regardless of animal.

I don't know about the reliance of truth of this source, so take it FWIW.

This came from Bloomberg Businessweek website:

"The law, signed by New York’s Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo on Aug. 12, is intended to halt the trade in illegal ivory that encourages poaching endangered species. It prohibits the sale of ivory that’s less than 100 years old and also bans the sale of antiques in which ivory makes up more than 20 percent of the total material used. Some violations carry felony charges. The law covers ivory from elephant tusks, extinct mammoths, and rhinoceros horns. (Musical instruments made before 1975 are exempt: You can sell Grandma’s piano, but not her snuff box.)"

That's either a poorly written article or a poorly written law. "It prohibits the sale of ivory less than 100 years old", and "covers extinct mammoths." Have we had some mammoths go extinct in the last 100 years?
"Most quotes on the internet are made up"--Abraham Lincoln