Originally Posted By: Neale_Jenkinson
Taking into account that this is a discussion forum and wanting to say up front I am not trying to stir up trouble,I struggle to see the point of this particular collaboration.Take a perfectly good RMK,reforge it,re grind it and re handle it,why not just have James complete a commission to your design from start to finish ?. Or am I missing something altogether ?.

You have brought up some valid points in your post. Some were my thoughts exactly (why redo a perfectly good RMK), and my other thought was "I wished I had thought of that first", when I made the trade with him.

If you hang around the Capt. long enough you know that his mind is running 90 to nothing with knife ideas. It is a constant for him. This was a way for him to take an RMK and see what could be done with it.

I think James has done a remarkable job in the transformation of the knife. I believe it's current shape would be much more user friendly. I like the looks of the Green River design Bowles knife, but it's shape in actual use seems so limited. And no, I have never put a Bowles knife to work. These are strictly my thoughts only.

I don't believe you missed anything about the Capt's. post.

Edited by Michael_Mason (01/14/14 11:24 AM)